Contact Data Available From SEC Filing Data

As all SEC filings are instantaneously uploaded to our database, we collect the filer and filing agent contact information. Having the contact information is not typically provided by SEC filing databases, but it still can be highly impactful in helping our clients when analyzing filings.

The contact information for both the filer and the filing agent is helpful for analysts, financial services vendors, and other data providers. 


Our SEC data allows us to collect the following contact information below.

Company and Contact Names

Obtain company and contact information updated daily to make the necessary contacts for your company.

Officer and individual names​

Our team is comprised of talented professionals dedicated to driving innovation and excellence in everything we do.

Filer Information

Our company data includes the fiscal year end dates, CUSIP numbers, SIC codes and more for thousands of companies.

Other filing data

Track filings with precision with our vast array of data, reports, and insights

Facilitating Communication

Communication could entail discussing filing content, requirements, and possible errors between filers and stakeholders.

Contact Data

Obtain contact data with emails, phone numbers, websites, and more.